The 5 Essentials For Active Brain Health

Know what you can do to sharpen your mind as we age.

As we age, our brain processes information at a much slower speed. This creates issues with the way we live, as we have a slower reaction time and we tend to forget things. We can’t stop the ageing process, but new research has shown that we continue to grow brain cells until we die and not lose these completely as was once thought.

If we keep our brains active and “Sharp”, our thought processes will not slow as much which will help us live a longer healthier life.

Here are 5 things you can do to sharpen your mind as you age:


Our brains work on different types of memory and prioritise thoughts and actions by storing them away in different areas of the brain. It places the ones we need most closer to the surface where it can be recalled easily. Not having things in place or in a routine creates stresses on areas of the brain that normally work in a particular order and draw on these memories. We can create less stress by keeping a routine for everything constant and ensuring that things are put back where they are supposed to be. That way our brain does not waste energy wondering where things are and creating confusion that takes away your thoughts from your real priorities. Stay relaxed, breathe and take control and establish routines that are comfortable for you.
Organise your life so you’re using your brain’s energy for critical thinking, and tasks that really require deep thought.

2. Variability and Challenge

The brain also has the ability to go onto ‘Autopilot’. Humans as animals are very smart and have a conservation for life mode with everything we do. The brain and the body will only ever give us what is required as it conserves energy and thoughts for when they are really needed. The brain and the body also need to be stimulated, and this can be done by taking as little as ten minutes a day to do something different and challenging.

It may even be the same task but done in a different way or in a different order. This expands our neurological circuits and actually leads to growth of neural pathways and increased alertness in the brain. Try doing something with your less dominant side to challenge your brain and your body. Change the stresses on our joints and muscles by doing exercises through a different plane of motion and this spreads the stress through different angles and creates stronger lines of push and pull.

You can also try combining small activities to make them more challenging or change the tempo to face stimulation of the neural pathways. We need around 10 minutes of variety or play everyday to continue to enhance our senses and make us more aware in our mind and body. The optimal age for learning is with kids between 6 to 12 years of age because everything they do is PLAY and they just want to have learning experiences. We can do the same as we age, so make sure you do new things, play and have fun.

3. Choose Food Wisely

Never has the term increase performance by feeding the engine high performance fuel been more important here!

Our body and brain require energy rich fuels to be able to sustain cell growth. Our cells are made out of protein and water and these are fed with good quality fuels. We know that if we eat lots of sugar loaded, high carb and high fat foods, that we slow our system and clog them up. If we provide the right energy sources in the right amounts we can continue to enhance cell growth which in turn promotes cognitive strength and a clear and healthy mind.

Eating good energy fuels allows us to process energy and burn fats instead of storing them and making us feel lethargic and unable to move efficiently. Eat more antioxidants, berries, dark leafy greens, nuts (full of vitamins and minerals) and fish like salmon, sardines and anchovies which contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Work Our Regularly


Our body is a living organism that needs to move to grow and survive. We cause the analogy here of a car that is left in the garage and not

taken out regularly for road trips. The engine becomes cold and worn, the oil becomes thick and the spark plugs won’t fire as well as they should and the tires go down because they are not being used. Our body and brain runs on heat and energy and for this metabolic process to occur it requires movement and mechanical action.

We stimulate the lungs with oxygen, the heart with blood and fire neutrons to create fire in the brain. Cardiovascular exercise pumps oxygen-rich blood to the brain, which gives it a boost of nutrients such as glucose. Working out also strengthens blood vessels and helps to avoid illnesses such as stroke, which affects cognition. No matter what your age is, you need to keep moving in some form or another. Otherwise the body muscles shrink and we lose muscle mass far more quickly than we would if we exercise regularly. Those who do exercise regularly often have comments made to them about how they do not look their age, and this is because everything in the body is continuing to be stimulated by exercise.

5. Create New Experiences


We mentioned before about how critical it is keep engaging and creating new experiences. Studies have shown that learning new things keeps thinking sharp and may ward off senility. Learning new things also leads to us questioning things and thinking about them which again increases cognition in the brain. We can continue to create new memories until the day we die. You are never too young to try something new.

In fact studies one centenarians showed that one of the reasons that they have lived so long was because they cherished life, and regardless of their age wanted to continue tor ty new things. They are not scared of dying and their only regret is:

“What IF?” What if I didn’t try this or do that?

Continue to stimulate the body and brain by learning new things, reading new books, researching, but also interacting and socialising as this is also the key to keeping a healthy and active mind.